Monday, October 4, 2010

RTÉ Ireland - I Want to Hold Your Hand.

                          "A radio documentary about gay relationships in Ireland (broadcast 1996)"


So, yeah. I neglect this blog a lot, but whatever. As anyone will tell you right now in my life, I'm currently obsessed with all things Ireland. Taking this Peoples and Cultures of Ireland  class is so relevant to my life and research right now (Ireland's Repro Rights, Magdalene laundries/asylums, study abroad, LGBTQQI in Ireland, &c).

This particular podcast addresses so many things, the silence of Irish culture, the avoidance of anything that isn't normal, or contamination. One gay man on this describes the feeling of being in a country where no one is out, but him and like 9 other people. (keep in mind, this is 1996). The woman at the beginning of this has such interesting experiences, she describes going to a lesbian bar/club/disco and feeling so out of place (I've had a similar experience). She also describes walking in Dublin with her partner and seeing friends who don't acknowledge her, friends that are now afraid of her. She reasons that they don't talk to her for fear of being labelled as gay by association.

There are many other issues and intriguing discussions on this podcast, but I really just wanted to be brief (and lazy...).
To me,
Documentary on One (RTÉ Ireland Radio) = This American Life (NPR), and maybe...
Documentary on One (RTÉ Ireland Radio) > This American Life (NPR).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Suburbs

Sprawl I & II, The Suburbs (Continued) complete my life.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Picture-heavy awesomeness (i.e. the Women of Arcade Fire)

1. Sarah and Marika from Arcade Fire. Both sporting new haircuts...really its like NewHaircuts!ArcadeFire for this tour and album. Two to Three band members in fact have hipster-mullets. Regine (below) has a shorter, cuter, curlier (if possible) haircut.

2. White dress is a wedding dress concoction. Sequins on the bottom, swirly cream white mess on top. I kind of love it, despite also being repulsed by it at the same time. But, its Regine, who can and will wear puffy, rainbowed, sequined, rhinestoned, polka dotted dresses...not to mention the fingerless gloves.

What are these made of?*

3. The actual music. I avoid this, because I can't really explain why I love their music. I don't ignore that there are only three women in the band, but to me...they hold it all together. I would not be that into this band without Regine, Sarah, and Marketa. Frankly, I don't think this band would exist without Regine, it wouldn't be Arcade would be Win Butler, his brother and some other dudes. Regardless, The Suburbs looks and sounds like something amazing and...its rumored by Win Butler on NPR that Regine will have more songs.

4. Sarah is a lesbian.**

*Duct tape, magic, and Hurdy Gurdys.
**I have no proof, just my own fantasy.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Feminist Critique on Women’s “spiritual achievement” as a denial of the self.

(from my Religion & Feminism final essay test)

There seems to be a moment in a young girl’s life when she changes. There is this time period between childhood and adolescence when she becomes something she’s not. She will look back on this time and realize she changed herself for some unknown reason. She stopped raising her hand in class, she never spoke unless spoken to, she made all A’s without any feeling of accomplishment, she was quiet, she wore the accepted clothing and makeup, but never so she would stand out or cause waves. There it is…this is the time when I lost myself. I knew who I was before middle school – I was boisterous, sometimes annoyingly smart, a tattle teller, a budding feminist, and I proudly wore a sash in fifth grade that entitled me to boss around kids who misbehaved. I was the girl who stood up to my younger brother’s bullies and gave them a referral. Who was this girl and where did she go?

This is my life setting, my background in this issue of self denial, even though I believe my own annihilation of the self stemmed from media images and general peer influence (which ironically is irrevocably the same as the media). I don’t generally believe a lot of influence came from this idea of “spiritual achievement”, but in way it does, in the sense that it is peer acceptance and this media-approved image. It may be called then, “secular achievement”. In reality, though “spiritual achievement”, religious views of women affect the media, affects how I viewed myself and the girls and women around me. Something that stands out to me is being “quiet”, to be “quiet” in church while my brother loudly burped and played with his star wars action figures. I resented this demand from my parents (my dad more than my mom). My dad was religious, but my mom could care less. She was there, stuck in a marriage she hated because of her kids, my brother and me. My mother got of it, she refused to be silenced, she refused to be abused – and she kicked my dad out. This image of her as strong, as loud, as entitled to her happiness will stay with me – forever. My mother found her self, again. Despite going to church every Sunday, she broke the cycle…guaranteeing my brother and my own decisions with our lives, our religions (or not), our sexual orientation, our ideas and –isms.

In the idea of women’s “spiritual achievement”, women are not given the opportunity to “find” themselves like men are. Men’s selves are cultivated, nurtured in the center of a garden while women’s selves are abandoned to the coldest, barren corner – abandoned and designated for the trash bin. She is left there to find some source of nutrients, some ounce of protection, some form of love. She grasping for it with all her strength – she cannot think of anything else. Her mother, her mother’ mother cannot help her, she’s trapped in this cycle, a circle maybe, with false ideas of womanhood, of “spiritual achievement”. If only she was quieter, smaller, married to that guy who raped her, kept her opinions to herself, or had no opinions at all. If they could take away all her thoughts, they would. To wipe the slate clean, erase all messages, to cultivate there a succinct order of womanhood. A woman who cooks, who cleans, who submits, who lies on her back and does not move.

Women are told, are ordered to believe that in acknowledging the self, in seeing that they are in fact, gay, that they don’t fit into the gendered stereotypes, and they don’t want a nuclear family structure – all of these feelings are wrong, they are to be banished elsewhere. These are “sins”; these are “deviations” from the norm, from the Virgin Mary ideal. With women’s “spiritual achievement”, they can only hope to be mothers, baby incubators, their husband’s personal slaves, and in short – property, property to be owned, to be borrowed, to be sold. What self could possibly be found in a woman like this, a woman who finds all these requirements in religious standards? What human being could live, could possibly thrive in an environment that told her she was property and wasn’t important enough to be given a name?

These ideas of women’s experiences, or rather molds in which women should fill, are further proving androcentric assumptions that promote male experience over female experience. Ideas of women’s “spiritual achievement” promote the male experience as the only real, valid human experience. Women’s self development is relegated only insofar as it accommodates the male self. As long as she fits into the gender norms then a woman can have a “self” whether it is really “her” or not is a question not bothered with. Giving into natural born feelings of self should be snuffed out, considering most of these “impulses” will be considered “sins”. While males are only “experimenting”, women are always seen as destroying themselves and all they really need is salvation and Jesus. As if a little hold water over the forehead or Hail Mary’s could really save anyone.

So, all of this, all of this destruction of self is to be reconstructed as a woman grows older and sometimes this doesn’t happen. Some never have epiphanies about who their real “self” is, some never even knew who that little girl was, that girl who sat in front, eager to answer all the questions, that little girl in all of us. Can we find her? Is it even possible to find her in all the debris of years and years of oppressive buildup, of suppression, of conformity, of denial of this true self? This little girl answers yes, she hopes to be found, she gives hints, she pokes you every once in a while, she’s calling your name right now.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My First Vlog post -- Ever!

My video response: (Little Wows of Feminism)

to Courtney E. Martin's video: (Happiness)

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Why do you torture me, Arcade Fire? No news on a new album in months (more like years..) and then you release an ambiguous photo and expect me to be content?
(I love you anyway)
(see, how could I be mad at that? It's a HURDY GURDY!)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Magdalene Laundries and other asylum musings...

(from The Magdalene Sisters)

Okay. So...

I have this weird fascination with institutionalization. I find myself looking at books like The History of Women in Asylums Since 1500...or some such title. This idea of putting someone in these institutions just because they didn't "fit" into society neatly is enough to infuriate me. Because without even trying, if I was born in certain times of history I would have been institutionalized.

Scary, scary thought that someone (your family, even friends) could put you into these asylums which were typically run by the government. Specifically, the Magdalene Laundries/Asylums of Ireland, England, Australia, even America at one point, are perfect examples of these institutions. Institutions that were run by both the state and the Catholic Church. Frightening.

So, what makes Magdalene Asylums so different from other asylums? Most of the time a woman was put into one because she was seen as "sexual" and did not fit into the neat idea of Motherhood (usually unwed mothers ended up there) or they were suspected of having sex. In some cases, women were put into these asylums as "preventive" in they might have unwed sex some day.
Or even just because they were already institutionalized through state-run orphanages or schools, they stuck girls and women in there if they didn't want to deal with them anymore.
They did this especially because they had to find "jobs" for these people when they got out of these, they decided to make it easier for themselves and put them into another institution where some of them stayed for the rest of their lives.
The Magdalene Laundries was a place where women were shamed, silenced, and beat (literally, in some cases) into submission. They were not paid to clean the church's laundry, the town's, cities', other institutions, hotels. But they were controlled to, not getting an education, or allowed any real social interactions with the outside world. Similar to getting out of jail (if they were able to get out), getting out the asylums was alienating...some of the women hadn't been into the real world for years, maybe even decades.

I'm currently reading this very well-written book about these Magdalene Asylums - Ireland's Magdalen Laundries and the Nation's Architecture of Containment by James M. Smith. This book, the documentary Sex in a Cold Climate, and the film The Magdalene Sisters are great starting points to learn about these asylums/laundries.
(probably more on this subject later...I haven't even touched on the sexual abuse rampant in these instutuions....crazzzzzy.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Before the pill...

Even though I wasn't there very long (an hour) - I got to hear probably the best part. The three women's stories about what it was like going up without the legalized pill was so interesting. I especially enjoyed the first woman who spoke about growing up in a smaller family (4 kids) as opposed to all her neighbors and friends who had 10/12 kids.

This issue to me is so important. I feel like even if I don't personally need contraception at this point, I still desperately want other people to have access to it. And through our school systems, we're not getting information about the history of reproductive health - something I needed to know. Something (many things) was lacking in my education, but this above all disturbed me.

I saw that all the women telling their stories had supportive mothers who didn't want their children to have to deal with unwanted pregnacies and dead-end marriages. Although those might of happened, it was in the intent of the mothers that thrilled me.

And I was there when they opened up the discussion to hear one of the women speaking about activism. Which I've done with Planned Parenthood and really enjoyed - felt like I made some sort of difference. And this was a reminder to me that I haven't really done any activism lately...and I want to.

I really want something to drop in my lap, but I think I need to look into organizations in Greenville and find something to do with my long summer (hopefully finding a job...).

Monday, March 29, 2010

Creativity Loss

Every time I get on here to write a blog I feel like I have nothing to say - but, I do. I have lots to say about everything - anything. Like how I actually enjoy analyzing poetry for my Religion & Feminism essay test or that I really like campy but witty tv shows (Buffy) /movies (But I'm a Cheerleader).

Seeing a blank screen kills my creativity. Any ideas I had walking to class - all gone. Swallowed by some unknown vacuum. Ok...that's a little dramatic. It's not really that bad, just empty. I feel like maybe I'm more creative in concept than in reality.

I've found I'm way more creative in class, on projects, essays...when I'm applying my creativity in a certain way. It's this whole purpose thing - like just writing a poem for myself vs. a poem for my poetry class. I find myself mixing self-poetry and class-poetry, so that I complete this assignment, but as well include stuff I like to write about, or imagery I'm partial to.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I love female musicians!

So, I haven't really blogged before. Unless you count Livejournal teenage sillyness, which no one will ever get a link to. I feel like my life is structed so I talk to people in real life about witty things, or important, serious life-stuff. And I do this for a reason, so as not to get too introverted as I am prone to do.

On a more fun note, internet/real life obsessions. I have them. Especially with a certain musician in one of my favorite bands (Arcade Fire). Her pic is above, Régine Chassagne. She's origially from Haiti, so she wrote this post on the Guardian about her reaction to the earthquakes there -

"Many Haitians expect to be let down. History shows they are right to feel that way. Haitians know that they have been wronged many, many times. What we are seeing on the news right now is more than a natural disaster. This earthquake has torn away the veil and revealed the crushing poverty that has been allowed by the west's centuries of disregard. That we must respond with a substantial emergency effort is beyond argument, but in the aftermath, Haiti must be rebuilt."

I also love Markéta Irglová who was the first Czech person to win an Oscar and also the youngest to win an Oscar for Music. She was in the movie Once with Glen Hansard (I wrote a review in my high school paper about it...) and she is also in a band with him called The Swell Season.

Monday, March 15, 2010

sorry...Amber for no updates ever...

I love this blog...

and this weird documentary from 1990 that I kinda love/think is ridiculous...

there is a woman named Starhawk on there who I think is badass/creepy. As you can see I'm conflicted...

my blogs title is a sylvia plath reference, btw...