Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Before the pill...

Even though I wasn't there very long (an hour) - I got to hear probably the best part. The three women's stories about what it was like going up without the legalized pill was so interesting. I especially enjoyed the first woman who spoke about growing up in a smaller family (4 kids) as opposed to all her neighbors and friends who had 10/12 kids.

This issue to me is so important. I feel like even if I don't personally need contraception at this point, I still desperately want other people to have access to it. And through our school systems, we're not getting information about the history of reproductive health - something I needed to know. Something (many things) was lacking in my education, but this above all disturbed me.

I saw that all the women telling their stories had supportive mothers who didn't want their children to have to deal with unwanted pregnacies and dead-end marriages. Although those might of happened, it was in the intent of the mothers that thrilled me.

And I was there when they opened up the discussion to hear one of the women speaking about activism. Which I've done with Planned Parenthood and really enjoyed - felt like I made some sort of difference. And this was a reminder to me that I haven't really done any activism lately...and I want to.

I really want something to drop in my lap, but I think I need to look into organizations in Greenville and find something to do with my long summer (hopefully finding a job...).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting this! I wish I could have I can feel like I was really there.

    And you have done activism lately, your submission to the look book was one beautiful piece of activism!
